Susanna Juntunen

Susanna Juntunen is a psychic coach and personal trainer. In her remote classes, she practices body mobility and agility and performs exercises that take care of her body.

Susanna is an ironclad and versatile home training coach. Her passion is to share the good vibes around her.

Weights, balls, as well as rubber bands are used in the exercises. Susanna's open, calm and gentle guidance makes the group members feel good and smile all the way to their ears. Susanna's coaching can also be ordered with the topics "Time and stress management" and "Self-knowledge and confidence".

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  • Finnish


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How Wayment works

How to book a performer for your event with Wayment.

Find a suitable performer‍

We have a wide range of top speakers, musicians, comedians and much more.


Check availability

Select the date and time of your desired performance and check availability. You will usually receive a reply within the same day.


Confirm your reservation

The booking enquiry is not binding. Once you have received a reply to your questionnaire, you can decide whether or not to confirm your reservation.


‍Nauti onthe show

We will pass on your request to the performer and take care of all the practical arrangements.

See also