Priya Lakhani

Serial entrepreneur

After giving up a career as a lawyer to fulfill her dream of running her own business, Priya built and sold a successful food brand. He then founded a technology company that combines AI and education to understand how students learn, as well as to provide teachers with a better understanding of personalized and personalized teaching. She discusses themes such as what innovation means and how to incorporate it into culture, how leaders need to adapt, especially in times of crisis, and why values should always be kept at the heart of operations.

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  • English


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How Wayment works

How to book a performer for your event with Wayment.

Find a suitable performer‍

We have a wide range of top speakers, musicians, comedians and much more.


Check availability

Select the date and time of your desired performance and check availability. You will usually receive a reply within the same day.


Confirm your reservation

The booking enquiry is not binding. Once you have received a reply to your questionnaire, you can decide whether or not to confirm your reservation.


‍Nauti onthe show

We will pass on your request to the performer and take care of all the practical arrangements.

See also