Mark Foster

Mark is a wise, witty and engaging speaker who inspires and entertains his audience by sharing his swimming career at the absolute top of the world.

Mark won 47 international freestyle and butterfly titles, including six world titles and eleven European championships. In addition to inspiring teams and individuals with his experiences in elite sports, Mark also reflects on the role of his personal life in his career. Despite his dedication, sacrifice, and accomplishments in the swimming pool, he only recently spoke openly about his sexuality and how his unwillingness to be open about homosexuality with colleagues and coaches may have affected his career and well-being.

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Select the date and time of your desired performance and check availability. You will usually receive a reply within the same day.


Confirm your reservation

The booking enquiry is not binding. Once you have received a reply to your questionnaire, you can decide whether or not to confirm your reservation.


‍Nauti onthe show

We will pass on your request to the performer and take care of all the practical arrangements.

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