Anthony Day

Blockchain and Innovation Expert

Anthony Day is a blockchain and innovation expert who has worked with several well-known companies such as Deloitte and IBM to lead Blockchain transformations and create new enterprise networks using these exponential technologies. He helps organizations understand the benefits of using exceptional technologies like blockchain to create commercially viable digital transformations. In addition to blockchain, he looks at how other digital capabilities and exponential features such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, digital identity, open platforms, and the cloud can also become part of a toolkit that customers can work with to achieve growth and define impactful digital strategies.

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How Wayment works

How to book a performer for your event with Wayment.

Find a suitable performer‍

We have a wide range of top speakers, musicians, comedians and much more.


Check availability

Select the date and time of your desired performance and check availability. You will usually receive a reply within the same day.


Confirm your reservation

The booking enquiry is not binding. Once you have received a reply to your questionnaire, you can decide whether or not to confirm your reservation.


‍Nauti onthe show

We will pass on your request to the performer and take care of all the practical arrangements.

See also